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A word from the new Under-Secretary General of RomeMUN 2018
7 giugno 2017

Dear MUNers,

As one of the Under-Secretary Generals for RomeMUN 2018, I am looking forward to welcome you all in Rome next March.

I earned my degree in International Relations in 2015 and after two years of working and travelling, I am about to start my Master Degree in International Development at Sciences Po. 

Conferences and events such as RomeMUN, which gather young students from all around the world, are a great opportunity to learn, share ideas and start shaping the world we live in. This will be my fourth year in a row at RomeMUN, and all previous experiences have only sharpened my desire to get involved time and time again into these global, far-reaching conferences. After having been a delegate in different MUNs, a Deputy Chair and (only last year) a Chair at RomeMUN, I am now taking on the challenging role of USG and I am excited to do my very best in order to make this RomeMUN conference unforgettable to all.

I deeply believe in the MUN project, and in its capacity to foster not only innovative ideas but also new friendships and cross cultural understanding. An MUN conference is above all a human experience, and as member of the RomeMUN organising team I will ensure that you make the most out of it.

See you all in Rome for RomeMUN 2018…!

Maddalena Zocca