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Rome Press Game
The Program Director of the Rome Press Game welcomes you
22 novembre 2016

Dear participants,

It's my pleasure to welcome you to the Rome Press Game 2017!

As the Program Director of this second edition, my goal is to assure that this unique opportunity, offered by the Giovani nel Mondo Association, is as perfect as you all expect it to be. The project of the Rome Press Game comes after eight years of activity, which has always supported the future of young people who want to pursue an international career. After the lessons learned over the years from projects like RomeMUN (the first simulation based in Rome focused on the dynamics of the United Nations), the need to respond to a specific target increasingly specialized in communication and international languages has been developed. This new project was made for you, as a new challenge to the actual world of work to train the journalists and the interpreters of tomorrow.

Communication is the real beating heart and the basis of every relationship at the international level: the Rome Press Game is a unique simulation, the first of its kind, allowing students to exercise journalistic dynamics on three different levels - radio, web and TV - in conjunction with the fundamental work of the interpreters, who make use of all the kinds of information for the different channels in question on a daily basis. All these realities will be possible in the beautiful city of Rome, a center of vital information which will be processed by a diverse and multi-ethnic team, open to international dialogue as the promotion of the same.

You will be the real protagonists during these 4 days, from the 11th to the 14th March 2017, and you will be the first to bring to light all the news, launches, materials and interviews of the International Careers Festival - making it available to the people. In concert with the other projects of the Festival, and with students from all over the world, your work will be crucial for the success and visibility of the Festival, a task that every type of communication officer must constantly keep in mind. You will acquire, through the simulation's "learn by doing" approach, theoretical and practical skills necessary in the field of journalism. Furthermore, thanks to their valuable contribution and tips, prestigious personalities and experts of the industry will guide you as you take your first steps into the fascinating and competitive world of journalism and, together with your colleagues and these prominent figures, develop coherent and creative solutions to the current and real problems of communication.

I'm sure that you will accept this challenge and put yourselves in the game, for your future and for that which is already your career. But, what's more, I am positive that this experience will be important for all of you as an inspiration for growth on a human level. As you become more conscious of living in a globalized world, where soft skills are the real keys for a breakthrough, the establishment of interpersonal networks and friendships that are not afraid of territorial boundaries and teachings will illuminate you for a lifetime.

I expect to see you all with my Team in March. We look forward to meeting everyone and to address this wonderful opportunity sponsored by the Italian Order of Journalists and the geopolitical magazine Limes. For those who are still not sure... what are you waiting for?! Hurry to sign up and become a participant of the Rome Game Press 2017!

See you this spring in Rome!

Eleonora Mantovani
Program Director Rome Press Game 2017