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Rome Press Game


Participants of the Rome Press Game will work in English and in the following media sectors: 

Online Newspaper: Writing for an online news site differs from writing printed news: it must be concise, quick, clear, and attractive. Online news sites are in some ways similar to blogs but differ greatly from the latter in terms of an editorial staff, professionalism and control over the content. Therefore, journalists for these sites do not only concentrate on writing articles but they must also focus on producing interactive content with the use of multimedia (videos, photos) in order to attract the reader's attention and make the content more usable.

Television News Staff: To be a journalist on a T.V. newsteam doesn't only mean designing and developing videos to be inserted within the news program, but also means the proper structuring of program schedule. Participants will therefore be in charge of daily scheduling and programming using different formats such as talk shows, the news, documentaries in order to realize interviews and other services. Furthermore they will involve our special guests to participate inside the studio and to support the staff taking care of editing and mounting the footage.

Radio News Team and Crew: Among the various types of media, radio is the fastest and the most direct. It easily reaches even those listeners who, at the same time, are engaged in other activities, and such an advantage makes it much more prompt than television and/or printed newspapers. Radio is a direct means of communication which requires people capable of engaging the final consumer. Journalists the radio team must not only structure and record radio transmissions but they must also focus on the production of a web radio and related podcast. Furthermore, radio journalists will manage live recordings during the International Careers Festival.

Translators: The Rome Press Game will also include a translation team who, throughout the simulation, will work on translating, in their selected working languages, materials produced by other teams. Furthermore, it will be the translator's duty to aid the press office in spreading the materials on relative websites in those languages. Available working languages are: French, Russian, German, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese.